Subcontractors’ Quality Assurance Plans for Naylor Love projects should incorporate the following elements:
Document Control
Maintaining a simple document register system to track:
- Drawings and specifications received, along with revisions, including dates of receipt
- Formal contract communications received, processed and dispatched
- Drawing and specifications forwarded to your subcontractors or suppliers, including revisions
- Where applicable, shop drawings sent or received, along with revisions, including dates
- Where applicable, technical submissions sent or received, along with revisions, including dates
Material Ordering / Procurement
A formal ordering system which contains:
- Date of ordering
- Contact person
- Order specification or reference to the appropriate contract document
- Agreed delivery date
Your company order form with additional notes could serve as an appropriate record if filed with the project Quality Assurance documentation.
Inwards Goods Check
A formal checking system for all inward goods as soon as they arrive to ensure that:
- The order is complete
- The ordered items are of the type, grade and size specified
- There are no visible defects or damage
- In the case of equipment for installation, all interface dimensions and details are correct
- Remedial action is taken should any of the above not check out
Checklist documentation should be prepared as a record of this process having been undertaken.
The checks must be undertaken at the earliest opportunity to ensure that remedial action can be undertaken without affecting the project programme.
Pre-delivery Inspections
In the case of supplied components which are largely pre-assembled or pre-manufactured, a full ex-factory pre-delivery check should be undertaken. The check should cover:
- Overall dimension
- Finish standards
- Interface dimension and detail
- Equipment performance checks as applicable
An inspection report should be prepared in the same manner as for a staged inspection. This report, plus the staged inspection reports covering hidden detail, should be supplied to Naylor Love at least 24 hours before delivery.
Staged Inspections
Staged inspections should be undertaken and details of these recorded. These should be timed to coincide with the following milestones:
- Prior to covering with your work or other trade’s work
- Prior to loss of convenient access to the work
- In the case of an ongoing process such as welding or painting, at an early stage before, say, 10% of the work has been completed and then at appropriate intervals to ensure consistency
- Well before any consultant inspection
Records of these inspections should contain the following:
- Name of inspector
- Drawings / specifications referred to during the inspection. Checking that the latest revisions are incorporated is most important
- A list of the key items for inspection with space for initialled tick-off and comment
- Space for recording necessary remedial work
- Space for noting the remedial action taken and signed off re-inspection including contractor or downstream subcontractors and suppliers
Your standard inspection format is to be supplied to Naylor Love for approval.
Completion Inspection
As distinct portions of your work are completed, you should arrange for a comprehensive completion inspection.
This should be undertaken and recorded in the same manner as for your staged inspections, with appropriate follow up prior to consultant inspection.
Documentation Forwarding
You will be required to forward copies of your inspection documentation with your progress claim, except when required to meet a specific project deadline.
You should state clearly in your plan the person who will be your company’s nominated Quality Assurance Representative – the person Naylor Love addresses all quality-related matters with.
It is expected that your Quality Assurance Representative will have sufficient authority to initiate changes in work practices where necessary to overcome difficulties or to ensure that personnel issues as they affect quality can be overcome.
The Quality Assurance Representative will sign off all Quality Assurance documentation passed from your company to Naylor Love.
Project Quality Charter
- We acknowledge that the client is entitled to receive a finished product which in all aspects meets the quality requirements set out in the contract documents.
- We acknowledge that the client is entitled to expect their facility to be complete and without fault at handover.
- We acknowledge that the client is entitled to have any fault which develops in the defect liability period eliminated with minimum delay.
- We will work to resolve quality issues as they arise and will only present work for inspection by consultant or client which has been thoroughly checked and any apparent faults remedied.
- Our goal will be to eliminate the need for client or consultant-sourced defect lists.
- Where our work is to be closely integrated with that of another trade, any quality questions relating to that trade will be brought to the Project Manager’s attention immediately, and we will work in a positive and cooperative manner with the other parties to help overcome any difficulties.
- We will maintain a quality programme which meets the minimum requirements set out in Naylor Love’s Quality Assurance Plan Guidelines.
- We understand we are part of a team all working to achieve the same goal – the satisfaction of our client.